Under Floor Heating | Hardwick Homes - Builder in Swindon


Discover the exceptional comfort and energy efficiency of underfloor heating, a smart choice for a cozy home with evenly distributed warmth.

Here at Hardwick homes we're big on underfloor heating and here's why...

Underfloor heating has gained popularity as a modern and efficient way to heat homes. Unlike traditional heating methods, which rely on radiators or forced air systems, underfloor heating provides a comfortable and consistent warmth throughout the entire room. In this article, we will explore the benefits, types, installation process, and maintenance of underfloor heating systems. Whether you're considering an upgrade or exploring new heating options for your home, the following information will provide you with valuable insights.

1. What is Underfloor Heating?

Underfloor heating is a heating system that is installed beneath the floor, providing warmth by radiating heat from the floor surface. It eliminates the need for radiators or other visible heating sources, creating a clean and clutter-free environment. Underfloor heating can be powered by water or electricity, with each system offering its own advantages.

2. Benefits of Underfloor Heating

Underfloor heating offers numerous benefits for homeowners. Firstly, it provides a more comfortable and consistent heat distribution compared to traditional heating methods. With underfloor heating, you can enjoy warm floors and an evenly heated space without any cold spots.

Additionally, underfloor heating is hidden from view, allowing for more design flexibility in your living space. You can arrange furniture without any constraints from radiators and experience uninterrupted wall space for art or decorations.

3. Types of Underfloor Heating Systems

There are two main types of underfloor heating systems: water-based (hydronic) and electric.

3.1 Water-Based (Hydronic) Underfloor Heating

Water-based underfloor heating systems use pipes to circulate warm water beneath the floor. These pipes are typically embedded in a concrete or screed layer and are connected to a central boiler or heat pump. The warm water radiates heat, providing a comfortable and efficient heating solution.

3.2 Electric Underfloor Heating

Electric underfloor heating systems utilize electric cables or heating mats that are installed beneath the floor. These systems are easier to install and are suitable for smaller areas or specific rooms. Electric underfloor heating allows for individual temperature control in different rooms, providing flexibility and energy efficiency.

4. Installation Process

Our installation process of underfloor heating depends on the type of system and the existing flooring. For water-based systems, the installation involves laying out the pipes and connecting them to the heat source. Electric systems require the installation of heating mats or cables, which are then connected to a thermostat for control. It is recommended to consult us for the installation to ensure proper sizing, placement, and insulation.

5. Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings

Underfloor heating can be more energy-efficient compared to traditional heating methods. 

The radiant heat provided by underfloor heating warms the objects and people in the room directly, resulting in less heat loss. This efficiency can lead to cost savings on energy bills over time. Additionally, underfloor heating allows for zoned heating, which means you can control the temperature in individual rooms, reducing energy wastage.

6. Comparison with Traditional Heating Methods

When comparing underfloor heating with traditional heating methods, several factors come into play. Underfloor heating offers better heat distribution, eliminates the need for radiators, and provides design flexibility. Traditional radiators, on the other hand, may heat up quickly but often result in uneven heat distribution and can take up valuable space in the room.

7. Common Misconceptions

There are a few common misconceptions about underfloor heating. One misconception is that it takes a long time to warm up the room. In reality, underfloor heating systems can provide quick and efficient heating, especially when using water-based systems. Another misconception is that underfloor heating is only suitable for new builds. However, underfloor heating can be installed in existing homes with proper planning and installation techniques.

8. Is Underfloor Heating Suitable for All Homes?

Underfloor heating can be suitable for most homes, including new builds, renovations, and existing properties. However, it is important to consider factors such as the type of flooring, insulation, and available space. Some flooring materials, such as stone or tile, work exceptionally well with underfloor heating, while others may require additional insulation or compatibility checks.

9. Factors to Consider When Choosing Underfloor Heating

When choosing underfloor heating for your home, there are several factors to consider. These include the type of system, available space, budget, compatibility with existing flooring, and the heating requirements of different rooms. Consulting with a heating professional can help you determine the best system for your specific needs.

10. Professional Installation vs. DIY

While some homeowners may opt for a DIY installation of underfloor heating, it is generally recommended to seek professional installation services. Hardwick Homes have the knowledge and expertise to ensure proper sizing, placement, and insulation of the system. This can help avoid potential issues and maximise the performance of the underfloor heating system.